3 of the Best Summer Workouts

Many fitness enthusiasts focus on exercising all winter long so that they can achieve a “beach body.” Even if you think your body isn’t ready for the summer, the summer will definitely be ready for you. The warmest season of the year is also one of the best seasons to be active. Great weather makes you want to get outside and enjoy life. Below are some of the best exercises that you can do this summer either on your own or with your family during vacation.


The most obvious exercise to do during the summer is swimming. If you already belong to a gym, then it’s possible that you have been swimming all winter long. Still, there’s nothing like swimming in the ocean or going for a dip in a lake. Both locations make for great vacation spots. In addition to swimming, there are other fun activities you can do at both locations. For example, at the beach, you can paddle board or even try surfing. While at the lake you can go water skiing—something you should definitely try at least once in your life. Kayaking is another popular lake activity.


If your family enjoys going to the mountains over the summer, then hiking is one of the first fitness activities you should consider. When you wake up in the mountains, the hiking trails are never too far from where you lay your head. Hiking can be as strenuous or as easy as you want it to be. It all depends on the trail that you choose and how hard you want to work while on vacation. Hiking is a great way to experience the outdoors and get fit at the same time. If you have never been hiking before, then you should read the American Hiking Society’s tips. The page includes information on just about everything you could ever want to know about hiking.


One of the best ways to enjoy summer weather is to hop on your bike and go for a ride. Biking is a fantastic form of exercise, and it’s great for all ages. If you don’t own a bike you can rent one while you’re on vacation. After the experience, you’ll likely want to buy a bike that you can use at home. While cruising along the beach can be a leisurely activity, it’s still a good workout—especially if you bike for a long distance. Mountain biking is usually more difficult, but it really depends on the type of trail you choose. No matter where you ride your bike make sure you wear a helmet and be aware of your surroundings. Stick to the designated bike trails and maintain a speed that you find comfortable.

Learn More About Crossfit

*This post originally appeared on Lidia Scinski.

Crossfit is a rigorous fitness program that enables you to improve your cardiovascular and overall physical health like never before. While performing Crossfit exercises can turn out to be quite strenuous, the program is known to do a world of good for your limbs and your heart, enabling you to carry out your day to day chores and activities with a great degree of energy. Keep reading to learn more about the exercise program.

It Can be Performed by People of All Ages

Crossfit exercises can be performed by you no matter what your age is. To learn more about what Crossfit is and what it entails, though, there are a number of important points that you need to keep in mind.

Crossfit is essentially a training program which builds conditioning and strength through challenging and varied workouts. The workouts test various parts of your functional strength with the goal of helping you to build a body that can withstand everything and anything.

Different from Conventional Gym Workouts

Crossfit training is different from the kind of exercises that you would usually perform at a commercial gym. When you take part in Crossfit programs, there will be a specific workout that you will have to carry out every day—for instance, squatting with 45 pounds or squatting with 135 pounds, whichever is more feasible for you.

Ideal for Masochists

If you are okay with the idea of experiencing pain in order to do a world of good for your body, then Crossfit is the right thing for you to take part in. The workout sessions last for long hours and leave you extremely tired and weary at the end of it all.

Helps Build Inner Strength

While losing weight is definitely likely when you take part in Crossfit, this is more of a fitness program that helps you to build your inner strength in addition to your physical caliber. When you learn to withstand pain, you acquire the discipline that is needed to survive shocks and untoward happenings that may arise in your life.

Careful: Injuries Can Occur

You need to remember that Crossfit can be dangerous if you don’t learn the exercises properly. It’s a good idea to not rush through any of the Crossfit exercises if you want to avoid hurting yourself when taking part in the program.

Now that you’ve learned more about Crossfit the next step is entering the gym. There is likely a Crossfit gym somewhere near you. Reach out to them and get started on your fitness journey!

Healthy Foods 101

*This post originally appeared on www.lidiascinski.net.

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. However, if you are embarking on a new diet or lifestyle change then there are some things you should educate yourself about. Below is some essential information you need to know about food in order to adopt a healthier diet and a healthier you.


Carbohydrates (carbs) are essential for energy. However, there are good carbs, and there are also bad carbs to avoid. Bad carbs are foods that have refined sugars and flour in them, such as cookies, pastries, white bread, and pasta. Good carbs are what your body needs to keep it fueled up and ready to go: foods like fruits and whole-grains. If you want to lose weight, cut back on the bad carbs.


There are also many different types of fats that our bodies need. These lipids are also crucial to our health as they provide our bodies with energy to work properly. Yet, too many fats can be harmful. Olive oil, avocados, and coconut oil are considered healthy fats.


Protein is an essential nutrient to feed your body. Did you know that your hair, skin, nails, tissues, and hormones are all made up of protein? Protein is also essential for building muscle and keeping your bones strong and healthy. Protein can be found in yogurt, meat, tofu, cheese, and peanut butter. The amount of protein you should consume each day is different for each person. Use this tool to calculate how much protein you need. Although protein is essential to a healthy diet, too much of it can be unhealthy. Be sure to incorporate other foods into your diet so that it is balanced.


Without water, humans would not survive longer than a few weeks. Water is an essential part of our bodies. In fact, an adult’s body can be composed of up to 65% water. It is important to drink 6-8 cups of water per day in order to stay hydrated and to aid in digestion. Water also helps manage food cravings and overeating. Sometimes when you feel hungry you might just be dehydrated. Make sure that you drink a glass of water with each meal.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are essential to include in our diets. They aid in the production of new tissues and cells and the flow of blood. Fruits and vegetables provide a lot of vitamins and minerals. Milk provides vitamin D, which is important for healthy teeth and bones. For optimal health, consider eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables each day to ensure that you get all of the vitamins and minerals you need.